Dickins Tips – How to Keep Cosy at Home this Winter

Winter is on its way to Edinburgh and as we brace for colder months, we look at some of the best ways to stay cosy at home this winter. With our ever increasing awareness of global warming and soaring costs of energy, we encourage guests staying in a Dickins home to be as mindful and energy efficient and these tips will help.
In Scotland, we are used to the cold and to living in old buildings which aren’t necessarily very energy efficient! These Dickins tips for our guests will help you how to live like a Scot and keep cosy this winter. You’ll be able to keep yourself warm and help the planet at the same time and if you aren’t a Dickins guest, they will still work for you……..
1. Be Energy Conscious
Energy bills are soaring everywhere – this crisis is affecting everyone. This means that we’re all thinking about how much energy we use and maybe have wasted in the past. The good news is that the planet will benefit from our new levels of consciousness about energy consumption.
We’re asking our guests to be conscious of their energy consumption this year to avoid wasting energy. These are simple habits to get into:-
- When the light starts to fade, close your curtains and shutters too if you have them. They really help and then open them in the morning to let the energy from the sun help to heat up your home.
- Turn off the lights when you leave the room.
- Only use appliances when they are full and use the energy efficient cycles. Rinse plates before they go in the dishwasher and then you can use the quick cycle. Use the speed perfect or eco setting on the washing machine and avoid using the tumble dryer.
If you are staying in a Dickins home for a longer period, please take the time to get to know the systems in the home, and how to manage them effectively. In many homes, heating can be controlled on a room by room basis by the controls on the radiators. If you are not using all of the rooms, consider only heating the space you need.
Top tip: Keep doors between rooms closed when not in use to keep the heat in and the cold out.
2. Leave it open
You’ve cooked a lovely meal in your Dickins home from home, and as you sit down to enjoy it, remember this tip… Leave your oven door open! It seems a simple thing, but leaving your oven door open after you’ve finished cooking, will allow the heat to spread throughout your home.
A similar trick is recommend after a shower or bath… leave the doors open to encourage the airflow.
Top tip: leave curtains, shutters and blinds open during the day to let the natural sunlight in to heat up the rooms. Just remember to close them all as the light fades to ensure you trap as much heat in as possible. Make sure your windows are closed tightly too.
3. Layering up
If you were born in the chilly 60’s like I was, the response to complaining about feeling cold was “put on another jumper!”
Scotland is too cold in an older property for t shirts at home in the winter. Layers are the way forward – both at home and outside. Vests – thermal and silk next to your skin are a great base layer. Then layer up on top. I have a range of polo necks which always feel cosy. Who can resist cashmere! If you can’t afford that new, then have a look on the rails of Armstrongs and other vintage shops in Edinburgh where you’ll find some delightful bargains and you are recycling too. Nearly New Cashmere is an excellent online store selling great quality cashmere at lower prices in you aren’t in Edinburgh. It’s time to reach for the cosy winter coat and scarves. And don’t forget your head where most heat is lost. You can buy yourself a hat made in Edinburgh at Fabhatrix in the Grassmarket.
Top Tip: Keeping your base layers on in the home will prevent you feeling the cold, and most importably help you hold on to the heat you’ve generated.
4. Cosying up
Most of our homes have additional throws and blankets for our guests to use. Cuddle up on the sofa, with a cuppa and a blanket – not only will your cosy up quickly, your problems may melt away too! The Tartan Blanket Co. have the most lovely and luxurious blankets – a perfect souvenir for your trip to the capital!
5. Make a Move
Once you’re all cuddled up, it can be difficult to get moving again. Getting the blood pumping will help you hold on to the warm. Whether it’s a 30 second dance party, or just hoping up to pop the kettle on, moving helps to let the warm vibes flow – jumping jacks come highly recommended from a friend, but maybe your neighbours won’t agree!
6. Warm up from the inside
If you’ve just boiled the kettle – a cup of coffee, tea or an indulgent hot chocolate will warm you from the inside out! Be sure to try the 6 best bowls of soup in Edinburgh when you are out and about this autumn, is there anything better to get you through a chilly day?
Top Tip: only fill the kettle with as much water as you need, this reduces your energy use.
7. Socks & slippers – the Scottish way
Socks are great. Slippers are great. Put them together and your toes will be toasty! Remember, Scotland is a country known for it’s cold winters. We hope you’ve packed your slippers, if not, it could be worth while investing in a pair… we love the range from House of Bruar.
We hope you’ve felt inspired by these tips to become a mindful visitor to our capital city and most importantly, to stay warm this winter. Some may seem small and silly, but some can be great fun… 30 second dance party anyone? Either way, if you give some of these a go – we know our planet, and our homeowners will be very thankful for your efforts.
If you have great tips, please share them by comment below… we are always open to more suggestions!
If you are looking for a cosy home to stay in Edinburgh this winter – look no further than our Albyn Place apartment

Our bright and cosy top floor apartment – two bedrooms and spectacular views!
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