Edinburgh’s Best Bakers – Hippolyte and Florence L’Angelou

Edinburgh’s Best Bakers – Hippolyte and Florence L’Angelou
I’ve got my husband, Simon, to thank for discovering L’Angelou, the brilliant Edinburgh bakery run by Hippolyte and Florence. Heavy traffic led him to take a different route to our usual one and as soon as I spotted L’Angelou at 88 Northfield Broadway, I asked him to pull over because it looked special. With piles of serious looking French cookbooks and to die for cakes in the window, it was indeed special. There is pretty much always a queue outside these days, so many others have discovered this wonderful shop and agree that Hippolyte and Florence L’Angelou are Edinburgh’s Best Bakers!

Hippolyte and Florence L’Angelou
Our two firm favourites are their savoury baguettes and their Kouing-amann. The savoury baguettes come in various flavours. Flo in the office said she’d been dreaming about them, ever since I bought one when we had to spend time in the office at the weekend. My son, Geordie, asked me to drive across town to buy one a couple of weeks ago and as he munched away said “These are pretty addictive aren’t they Mum.’
My friend Lucy and I first tried a kouign-amann on our way back from a chilly sea swim. We sat in the car, sharing one and had, what can only be described as, an out of body experience. This salty, sweet, crunchy and soft marvel is worth a long drive journey to sink your teeth into. They sell out pretty quickly. I could never say their name until I came to do this blog and asked how to spell this doughy delectation. Now its name as well as their taste is etched on my mind, never to be forgotten!
We think you are Edinburgh’s Best Bakers. What do you enjoy most about running your bakery?
Have you got a great baking related tip for us?

When did you move to Edinburgh and what drew you here?
When did you set up L’Angelou?

What are your best selling products and do you have a favourite you love making?

The addictive L’Angelou savoury baguettes
Ian Young
June 4, 2024 at 10:31 pm
Vive la difference!
Love bread croissants and pain au chocolat!
July 12, 2024 at 1:46 pm
We agree Ian!