What The Dickins: A Tale Of Edinburgh City

Edinburgh’s Best Hairdresser – Bruce Masefield
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Welcome to our new Edinburgh’s Best series. We’re excited to be celebrating Edinburgh folk who are brilliant at what they do. Our first blog celebrates Bruce Masefield, Edinburgh’s best hairdresser. Edinburgh’s Best Hairdresser – Bruce Masefield Bruce joined Vidal Sassoon in the late 80s and quickly developed a natural flair…

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Meet our Team – Femi Popoola

We’d love you to Meet Our Team. This blog introduces fabulous Femi Popoola! Femi has a fascinating story and if you didn’t already know it, after reading this blog, you’ll know why Femi is such an asset to our team.   What brought you to Scotland?  My family moved from…

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Edinburgh Council loses a second STL Judicial Review….

We are DELIGHTED to let you know that Lord Braid published his decision in the Judicial Review which Iain Muirhead and I,  Louise Dickins of Dickins Edinburgh Ltd, brought against Edinburgh Council’s STL planning Guidance for Business and we WON. Or should that be we won JR2 too. What a…

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Meet our Team – Flo Simone
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We’d love you to Meet Our Team! This blog introduces the wonderful Flo Simone, our Sales and Guest Relations Executive. And if you didn’t already know it, after reading Flo’s story, you’ll know why we love her so much. Enjoy! Meet Our Team – Flo Simone  What brought you to…

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In Edinburgh, look up!

One sunny Saturday afternoon in September after working since 6am, my youngest son and I packed a bag with swimming costumes, a flask of tea and a packet of Island Bakery Lemon Melt biscuits (the best ever biscuits with pleasingly pretty packaging) and headed to an East Lothian beach with…

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